Cooperation Networks

Title Period Objective
ANQAHE Since May 2016 The Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ANQAHE aims at creating a mechanism between the Arab countries to:
 Support, enhance and disseminate quality assurance best practices in Higher Education in the Arab region;
 Support and strengthen the capacity of Quality Assurance Agencies in the Arab region;
 Support regional and international cooperation in quality assurance in higher education;
 Ensure information exchange about quality assurance in higher education;
FrAQ-Sup Since April 2017 The FrAQ-Sup Network “Francophone Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education”, was founded in spring 2014 by the following agencies:
 Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ)
 Agency for Higher Education Quality Evaluation (AHEQE)
 Commission des titres d’ingénieur, France (CTI)
 High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES)
This network aims at promoting contacts, exchange of best practices and collaboration between agencies, namely through organizing annual conferences and implementation of common projects.
RAFANAQ 20/02/2020 On 20/02/2020, an organization known as the African Francophone Network of National Quality Assurance Agencies was established. Its shortened name shall be RAFANAQ.
RAFANAQ is a non-profit organization. The Network is a legal entity whose functioning is governed by the provisions of its statute registered in Senegal.
The headquarters of the network is located in Dakar – Senegal.