Creation context

In virtue of Law N° 01.00 on the organization of Higher Education, The principal of continuous assessment of Higher Education System has been approved. This principle has for objective the improvement of the internal and external performance of the system, through integrating all the pedagogical, administrative as well as scientific research aspects.

In furtherance of the enforcement of the provisions of the constitution aiming at entrench the governance and accountability principals, and to set out requirements of article 79 of Law N° 01.00 above indicated, stipulating the creation of the National Committee of Assessment, and in accordance with the National Policy aiming at reforming Higher Education System, restoration of the position of the Moroccan university in training, outreach and scientific research, the Moroccan government has created the National Agency of Assessment and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Scientific Research (ANEAQ), based in Rabat.

As its name implies, the aim behind the creation of the Agency is to improve and to ensure quality, competitiveness, and diversity of training, to promote scientific research and to adapt the training to the labor market requirements in order to create an enabling environment to develop the Moroccan Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The Law regulating the functions of the Agency defines its functions, terms of reference, operating methods, management, rules of procedure and its financial regulation.

In order to better carry out its functions, the agency hires experts and specialists. The latter are chosen based on their recognized qualifications and competencies in their fields of expertise, of assessment and their fields of specialization, particularly of relevance to scientific and technical research.